Saturday, June 24, 2006

What is consciousness?

Evidence of conscousness

Does consciousness exixt in a rock? Where does conscioiusness originate? If we are to accept the theory that all life and all things seemingly inanimate come from a Supreme Creator, then it would not be unreasonable to suggest that consciousness also comes from this Supreme Being. What about the consciousness in plants and animals? What is the nature of that consciousness? Is it an original type of consciousness? or merely a reflection of that Great consciousness? One could surmise that all types of consciousness really come from one source and is therefore similar if not the same as that source for could the water at a river delta be different from the water at the source of the river? There may be differences in quiality, clarity and purity but essentially it is the same water. Which is to say that the conscousness of a created being cannot be its own creation or that the water at the river delta magically appeared there without the agency of the source

What then about the rock which seems oblivious to the wars, worries and strife in the world, which sits on the ground with the other rocks and pebbles and stones and sand and soil, placidly, unmindful and uncaring about the shifts in power and the suffering of beings with a slightly higher degree of consciousness than it? If it also springs from the same Supreme Creator then it must also share some qualities of that Creator like, consciousness.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The stuff of life

What we know about life

From observing our ourselves and our environment we are able to deduce some basic truths about life and being alive. The most obvious characteristic of a thing being alive is motion. When we see something move we conclude that it must be alive that is, if it moves of its own power. This is fairly obvious in insects and animals. Plants and trees are also alive and they only move when the wind blows or when they are pushed aside by a passing animal and they generally are rooted to the spot. They do not have the ability to move from place to place although they are able to distribute themselves over a vast area of land by adapting their methods of reproduction to suitable means like having insects and animals be the carriers of their seed or of having such light seeds that the wind can waft them away to develop somewhere else far form the original spot.

From this small observation we can alo deduce that insects and animals are probably more advanced forms of life. Without the tools of science to tell us we know that plants occupy a lower rung in evolution. They are more advanced than simple one-celled organisms and their manner of reproduction can be very sophisticated. Asexual reproduction is a simple way of reproducing oneself and works just fine for one-celled things but as organisms gain in complexity first by grouping together and specializing then by having different complex parts which are also specialized for a certain task the need arises for a more advanced method of reproduction. As more and more specialization occurs the organism develops higher faculties and capabilities. Sexual reproduction was invented by nature in order to speed up the process of evolution. Taking the strong and desirable properties from one and merging that with the best and finest of another would result in a much more vibrant and vigorous offspring.

That sexual reproduction occurs both in the animal and the plant kingdom is a testament to its superiority as a means of protecting the strength and promoting the number of the species.

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Origin of life on Earth

Earth life originated from Mars

i was told once that when Mars died as a planet, life in the form of really small, tiny microbial stuff transferred to earth probably hitching a ride on a Comet or a passing asteroid. It all sounded fanciful to me but I could not help being intrigued by the thought. A few years later, I read in the news of some kind of bacterial or microbial life being found in some rocks which could have originated from Mars. With a naughty twinkle in my eye I thought how far-fetched ideas could have a basis for being real or truthful after all.

This type of life was not carbon-based and could be said to be ectoplasmic in nature which is to say that they are made of mind-stuff. They could travel great distances through he medium of thought. This was totally mind-boggling to me but I liked the idea of such tiny things which were even more rudimenteary than proteins and which were more closely related to mind than matter. What comes to my mind is how ideas spread like viruses. Take he case of communism at the height of its power. It was the epitome of Matter over Mind where communist doctrine idolized matter over spirit. All art, literature, drama and science was to be utilized in the service of the Communist Ideology which was Dialectical Materialism.

Suppression of the ideals of freedom was ruthlessly imposed with hundreds of thousands being imprisoned or killed or sent to the Gulag in the case of the USSR and to wherever in countries like China and Yugoslavia and Bulgaria and the other communist states. Walls were erected to keep the population from leaving. What more materialistic way of imposing an ideology could you find? Guns, tanks, prisons, walls could not kill something intangible, something wihout shape, something which exists in the mind, felt in the heart, something spiritual if you will. Is this the triumph of Spirit over Matter? And what if the agency by which these ideas were transmitted were really the very stuff which travelled from Mars and made its home here on Earth?

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Proteins and amino acids

From the Primordial Soup
The formation of the simple forms of life from the so-called primordial soup happened when the Solid Factor or earth was stabilized. Water had been created previously after Fire which preceded air. The ancient Indian texts might sound fanciful if not downright wierd and improbable if read without taking into account the various scientific evidences. If properly read with an eye on the discoveries of science one finds some real accurate descriptions of the world as it was created. True, the bible and some texts talk of the world being created in seven days and so influenced thinkers and scientists from previous centuries that some of them calculated the age of the earth at around 6,000 years. All of these calculations were based on the descriptions of the Bible which was taken to be literal truth instead of an Allegory.

We know that after the Big Bang, hydrogen which is the most plentiful element in the universe was created. This corresponds to the creation of Air after ether. Ether being subtler than air is not so easily apprehended but can easily be proven to exist by the fact that sound can be carried even without the presence of air thereby presupposing the the existence of another factor or medium that can carry it and which the ancient scientists called the Ethereal factor. Hydrogen is also the lightest element and from this element is formed other gases each heavier than the previous one. Helium is heavier than hydrogen and if one goes through the Periodic table one sees immediately the increasing weight of the succeeding elements as well as their properties of being gases and eventually solid.

The formation of large hydrogen clouds caused by gravitational attraction and making for ever-increasing density in a smaller space causes the temperatures to rise until Fire is created. This causes the outer portion of the hydrogen clouds to collapse into the the center or the core feeding the burning fire within while further attracting more hydrogen atoms into blazing inferno.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Brahma Chakra

The Divine Wheel
Intuitional science states that the creation of the universe happened when pure consciousness felt the stirrings of desire to create. With the three forces being the Static Force, Mutative Force and Sentient Force in equilibrium, there is quiescence. If the balance is disturbed in one of the vertices of the Triangle of Forces and causes it to be active, a great force is unleashed resulting in the crudification of pure consciousness into the Cosmic Mind. The first stage is that of Pure conscioiusness or Mahatattva. Further crudification results in Ahamtattva denoting a sense of action and more crudification results in the formation of Cittatattva. From this cosmic mind is created matter.

At the point when earth is created, begins the arduous march of evolution, when matter must make its way back to its source which is consciousness. The four fundamental factors of earth, water, air and fire combine to create life in its simplest forms. Earth gives it the form, water is represented by the system where nutrients are delivered to its component parts, air allows the exchange of the various gases needed to survive, and fire is represented by the bio-electric energy known as prana in Indian Philosophy and Chi in Chinese philosophy. Life powered by the Active or Operative Principle becomes more and more complex as it marches up the ladder of evolution. This evolving complexity is dictated by its need to reflect more and more of the divine consciousness which in turn is needed to mange its evolution; that is, nerves and brain become more and more complicated giving rise to higher levels of awareness, of feelings and emotions.

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Monday, June 05, 2006

Five Fundamental Factors

Indian philosophy
According to ancient Indian scriptures, the universe is made up of five fundamental factors namely, Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. These compose matter which in turn arose from the crudification of the Cosmic Mind. That is to say that Ether is cruder than mind but more subtle than air which can be felt even though it cannot be seen. Air in turn when crudified produces fire and this corresponds to Hydrogen and Oxygen combining to produce combustion the residue of which is Water. From water or the liquid factor comes earth or the crudest form of matter. From the intense heat of the earth's core is created liquefied magma which when cooled becomes solid or earth.
Chinese Philosophy
The Chinese view the universe in another way and classifies the various properties or characteristics of the universe in terms of its phases or stages: Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire and Water. These describe the various stages that can be observed of the earth and which can be applied to other areas of science like medicine and divination. The chinese way is more practical in its aspect than the Indian way which is more Intellectual in its approach. From this scientific view comes various branches of philosophy and practice like Kung Fu, Chi Kung, Acupunture, Accupressure, Feng Shui etc.

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Soul Mates

Soul mates . . . like two peas in a pod
At least once in a person\'s life he or she meets someone who is easy to talk to and he or she feels safe and comfortable with this person. It is said that there is a certain chemistry between them, chemistry because it cannot be explained otherwise. The attraction can be so great as to feel that one completes or fulfills the other. In this case they are described as being like two peas in a pod. The opposite can also happen: repulsion instead of attraction. What is going on here? It is said that the people that we meet in this lifetime are the very people that we have associated with in previoius lifetimes. Is this what they mean when they say soulmates? or in the opposite case, nemesis?
Love makes the world go round
Or should we say: desire makes the world go round. Atoms and electrons do their dance in the quantum world and changes are effected by their merging and separating. Galaxies collide and new worlds are created from their seemingly mindless rotations and collisions. Every second in the microcosm and the macrocosm there is change and fluctuation. This is also mirrored in the human mind when the forces of attraction and repulsion drive a person to desire one and hate the other. What is that thing called love? Does that exist at all or is it merely an ideallization of a phenomenon we can describe as magnetism? Is it a misnomer to say: One love? Is it merely an ideal or an impractical delusion of a mind struggling to simplify a complicated universe?

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